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MDMexico shares the importance of educating the public on the importance of paying attention to your body and knowing the symptoms of Covid 19The virus not only stayed in the body physically, but that continues to wreak havoc on the emotional side. Fatigue, anxiety or depression are usually the most common sequelae. mentioned by those who live in this new reality.

Taking care of physical and emotional health is today, more than ever, a basic necessity to carry a better quality of life. emotional health used to go unnoticed until the virus and the confinement itself potentiated emotions little explored before, however, today the population is willing to serve through online consultations and therapies.


Telehealth: an option with great advantages

Jose Alfredo Alvarez Lopez, endocrinologist and member of the Society Mexican Nutrition and Endocrinology discusses Osteoporosis and how fragility fractures are emerging as one of the causes of disease burden with the greatest impact on the health sector, which will negatively affect the quality of life of the people who suffer them, provoking a situation of dependency and increased risk of death. having access to doctors virtually allows patients to have follow up  appointments at an affordable cause and maintain their health.

Telesalud: una opción con grandes ventajas

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